AI-Agent web research

Soma AI replaces manual web research. Instantly retrieve valuable web data scattered across the web and integrate it into your business.

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Autonomous agents for web research
Fast, scalable, and structured information retrieval from the web. Natural language instructions for flexibility and ease of use.
Find anything based on your specific criteria.
Find more information about something.
Report (coming soon)
Generate a detailed report based on findings.
Make use of findings in your Airtable or CRM.
Do web research 10X better
Leverage AI to scale information gathering and analysis.
the old way
The old way
Performed by manually browsing the web using countless tabs and windows. Slow, error-prone, and expensive.
the new way
The new way
Automate search, browsing, and information analysis. Consider multiple sources in parallel. Faster and more accurate.
Use cases
Every business
runs on information
Soma AI is a flexible approach to automated web research, and is used by companies across industries.
Lead generation
Automatically find and collect contact details and company information based on any criteria, enabling targeted outreach and higher closing rates.
Private equity research
Collect data on emerging companies, funding rounds, and industry movements to identify potential investment opportunities and market shifts.
Patent tracking
Monitor new patent filings, legal status changes, and trends in patent applications to stay informed about technological advancements and intellectual property.
Competitive analysis
Track competitors’ activities, product launches, and marketing strategies across the web to stay ahead in the market.
Content aggregation
Compile and organize articles, news, and blog posts from multiple sources into a comprehensive repository for content creation or curation.
Talent acquisition
Automatically search the web to find candidates that match your specific job descriptions, no matter how detailed or unique your requirements.
$6 Million USD
Soma AI secured $6 million in seed funding, co-led by IDG and SIG.
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